Message from NACC President

Dear Clinical Laboratory Professionals
The Nepalese Association for Clinical Chemistry (NACC) is a national scientific and professional organization representing clinical Biochemists across Nepal. NACC is member society of International Federation for Clinical Biochemistry and Laboratory Medicine (IFCC) and Asia Pacific Federation for Clinical Biochemistry and Laborstory Medicine (APFCB) working in the field of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine. It was established on 25th February, 2014 (2070/11/13) with more than one hundred professionals (MD/MSc/DM/PhD) Post graduate students, Faculties, Laboratory Directors, Government employees working in the field of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine, health care set-ups, academics and research. NACC is composed of leading experts in the practice of Clinical Biochemistry. NACC provides leadership in the practice of clinical biochemistry and laboratory medicine through service, education and research. The NACC protects patients by developing and supporting high standards of quality within diagnostic services. It serves as a resource and partner for government, industry and healthcare. The NACC promotes the profession of Clinical Biochemistry and advocates for professional rights and recognition of Clinical Biochemists. NACC establishes standards for diagnostic services and serves as a resource to government, industry and healthcare associations, and the interest of the general public.
We Clinical Biochemists and Laboratory Medicine professionals strive to foster and lead in the field of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine of Nepal. On behalf of NACC, I welcome you to join NACC for better health care through laboratory medicine.
Clinical Biochemists are MD/MSc/PhD level scientists, Faculties, Lab Directors with specialized training in Laboratory Medicine. Clinical Biochemistry is the division of Laboratory Medicine that deals with the measurement of chemicals (both natural and unnatural) in blood, urine and other body fluids. These test results are useful for detecting health problems, determining prognosis and guiding the therapy of a patient.
Clinical Biochemists ensure that consistent high quality, accurate and precise biochemical test results are provided so that high quality care can be provided to the patient. Clinical Biochemists lead the development and implementation of laboratory quality management systems that encompass all aspects of the testing process: pre-analytical, analytical and post-analytical.
The activities of the NACC are focused on:
- Advancing the study and practice of clinical biochemistry and associated laboratory medicine;
- Disseminating knowledge of the principles and practice of clinical biochemistry and laboratory
- Medicine; and protecting and promoting the interests of professionals working in laboratory medicine
Warm regards,
Prof Dr Madhab Lamsal